Monday, November 18, 2019

William Columbus Anderson was NOT Bloody Bill

There are a handful of individuals on Yahoo who call themselves the Bloody Bill Anderson Mystery Group.  They are led by an individual who, through seriously flawed and poorly documented research garnered from dime novels and pulp fiction websites, falsely claims that William Columbus Anderson of Brown County, Texas was the real Bloody Bill and faked his own death.  This has time and again been proven, through Serious Research by Reputable Historians and Genealogists, to be patently false.

Beginning in 2006, this Treasure Hunting Conspiracy Theorist has maintained the claim that William C. Anderson of Brownwood, Tx. was truly Bloody Bill, who had escaped death by allowing another to ride his horse the day of the ambush near Orrick, MO.  
He has based his claims on the 1924 Fuller article and on research garnered from dime novels and pulp fiction websites, street sweeping the internet for any mention of  "Bill Anderson", then stripping excerpts and arranging them to fit his theory, regardless of how out of context, fictional, or unrelated they may be.  He has created a conspiracy out of whole cloth, mixing in claims of  "KGC activity" and "treasure vaults holding millions meant for a New Confederacy". He has attempted to add validity to his claims by fabricating friendships between William C. and famous former guerrillas such as Cole Younger and Jesse & Frank James. Other past Brownwood residents became pawns in his KGC imagination as well, Henry Ford a prime example.

On and on his conspiracy grew, finally garnering him enough attention for an appearance on an episode of America Unearthed about the assassination of Lincoln, where he tried to connect it to his imaginary KGC tunnels beneath Brownwood (and William C. Anderson by osmosis).  His premise....

Realizing their mistake, the Producers ended up editing his appearance down to about a minute of meaningless filler in the episode, prompting him to then complain on the internet that he was misrepresented and cheated.....

 Jason:  " Jay Longley appeared in S02E12 “Lincoln’s Secret Assassins,” about the Knights of the Golden Circle, where he seemed to suggest that a man named Henry Ford in his hometown of Brownwood was actually the outlaw Jesse James. It almost goes without saying that Longley claims to be another victim of the show’s slippery relationship with the truth.  Here he is in his own words, posted last Sunday on his website. I have broken it into paragraphs for easier reading, but the original spelling and punctuation remain: "

Longley:  " I was with the crew in Downtown Brownwood for 11 hours in September 2013. Much of it was while being recorded as I gave as much information about the subjects as I could. They promised that they would return to Brownwood to do a much more detailed account but when the show aired in February, I was truly disappointed in the results. 

They made it look like I believed that our Henry Ford was Jesse James, which I don't believe and which I told them I didn't believe. I also told them that I believed "J. Frank Dalton" was and why. We spent a lot of time as I detailed the circular route of the KGC Tunnel Network under Downtown Brownwood too but when the show was edited, they took out the top half of the route which included me saying that one tunnel went from the Old County Jail (Museum) across Main Street to the old Ford School. My tunnel route was confirmed when Scott Wolter and I took a trip during a break in the filming to visit the Courthouse and the Old Jail. Nick, the Museum manager, took us under the old jail and showed us exactly where the tunnel was and it clearly led precisely to where I had told Scott it did. I didn't have my camera with me but Scott took some photos of it with his. 

After the show aired, I wrote to one of the contact people with the film production company that makes America Unearthed for the History Channel and asked for Scott Wolter's email address because I wanted him to send me some copies of the photos he took of the tunnel entrance. I never heard back from them again. 

Also, in the program, Scott says that they left the ground penetrating radar operator and equipment with me. That is simply not true. I met the gpr operator when he arrived from Ft. Worth about lunchtime as Scott, the sound and film crew and I were about to take a lunch break and he began scanning some of the areas while we were at lunch and when we were filming in other locations downtown so I never got to see him actually using the machine. Scott and the crew continued filming me until an hour or so after the gpr man had left to return to Ft. Worth late that afternoon. Their filming of the descendent of Gen. Joseph Shelby didn't happen until a day or two after they had shot the Brownwood part of the episode.  

Scott Wolter made several inaccurate statements during the episode.  Many of them were done after the filming during the "editing" process. I made one very clear and non-negotiable stipulation when I finally agreed to meet with Committee Films for the show.  That was that I would not say anything that I didn't believe was true or accurate and they assured me that they didn't want me to and that they would portray my statements accurately. Well, that's not the way it turned out… […] Needless to say, I won't be doing any more tv shows based on our work here in the foreseeable future."

( Note*  I found the comments section at the bottom of Jason's article quite revealing. )

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This individual has even manufactured a sinister group he calls the "Smokescreen Gang" ( a label he assigns anyone who disagrees with him ), who are purportedly in the Employ of  " rich historians out to save their livlihood and prevent us from Changing History ".  His claims of tracking devices put on his car, phone taps, mail being rifled through, being buzzed by helicoptors, etc., are legendary.  He has even claimed Google was in on the plot, trying to bury his ranking for his blogs and websites in the dungeon of their search engines.  ( When in fact there is only one website left out there, other than his own, that still allows him to paste his links all over their forum ).  His paranoia runs rampant, and vicious.

True Anderson blood descendants have been verbally attacked, threatened, demeaned by having their likenesses photoshopped onto alternative pornographic websites that he also operates (where he published their private phone numbers and addresses, encouraging members of the pornographic website to harass them as well), those Descendants having to seek legal action to stop the madness.  These vicious attacks were launched after their attempts to speak the truth about their real Anderson family history, and their public denouncement of his "Theory" as the farce it is. 

Bloody Bill Anderson: The Real Story intends to provide others with Irrefutable Proof in Documents, Verified historical accounts, Personal testimony by William C. Anderson's True Descendants, Genealogical records, DNA testing and Forensic Investigation, that show this individual's claims are all fabrication.  You will also find documentation showing that this individual has been banned from genealogical, historical society, outlaw & old west, and treasure hunting websites far and wide.  A treasure hunting conspiracy theorist seeking his own 15 seconds of fame and notoriety by sewing his fabrications onto the coat tail of the real Bloody Bill Anderson.

Through exhaustive Professional Research we will provide an Accurate Account of William T. Anderson, the Real Bloody Bill of Quantrill's Partisan Rangers, which will show beyond a shadow of a doubt there is no relationship to William Columbus Anderson; a man whose own distinguished history as an early settler of Brown County, Tx. has been and continues to be diminished by these claims of notoriety 

Join us at for the REAL History.

And while you're at it, be sure to visit Tobe Oneal's excellent article " THE BROWNWOOD BLOODY BILL MYTH " ....

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